
Astria’s wonderful capital Vienna spreads along both sides of the “Blue” Danube (which, as the Viennese are certain to point out, is actually muddy brown). Circling the old town (or Innere Stadt) is the striking revivalist architecture of the Ringstrasse, Vienna’s main boulevard. These buildings range from the charming Opera House to the monumental Natural History Museum. Nestled throughout the city are the graceful art-nouveau buildings of turn-of-the century architects Otto Wagner and Adolf Loos. The buildings are one of the many remnants of the artistic and intellectual flowering that took place in Vienna at the turn of the century. Of course, the buildings and the city’s history are only a backdrop for the daily culture that can still be found in the concert halls, opera houses, and cafes. Below is a list of the most famous sites and destinations in Vienna.

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  • 1. Schönbrunn Palace
    Schönbrunn Palace is a former imperial summer residence in 13. district of Vienna, Hietzing. The 1441-room palace is one of the most important cultural monuments and the most-visited sight in Austria.
  • 2. Stephansdom
    St. Stephen's Cathedral is one of the most significant buildings of the Gothic period and situated at the heart of Vienna. It is also the most important religious building in the city and the seat of the Archbishop.
  • 3. Hofburg Palace
    The Hofburg Palace in Vienna is one of the most important centers of European history as the residence of the Austrian sovereigns for more than 600 years. Currently it is the official residence of the Austrian President.
  • 4. Österreichisches Parlament
    The Austrian Parliament Building is a large structure with a total floor area of more than 13,500 square meters and located on the Ringstraße Boulevard in the first district of Vienna.
  • 5. Schloss Belvedere
    The Belvedere is a historical building complex, situated between Rennweg and Schweizergarten, in the 3rd district of Vienna. This palace complex was built in the 18th century as the summer residence for the important general Prince Eugene of Savoy.
  • 6. Wiener Rathaus
    The City Hall of Vienna was designed by an Austrian architect Friedrich von Schmidt, built between 1872 and 1883 and replaced the old city hall in Wipplingerstraße.
  • 7. Schatzkammer
    The Imperial Treasury is located in Swiss Court yard in Hofburg palace and is one of the world's most important collections of imperial and royal regalia and jewels.
  •   8. Peterskirche
    St. Peter's Church is a beautiful Baroque Roman Catholic parish church in Vienna. Located on Petersplatz, Peterskirche is one of Vienna's most impressive places of interest, due to its architectural and artistic qualities.
  • 9. Wiener Staatsoper
    The Vienna State Opera is an opera house in the first district of Vienna with a history dating back to the mid-19th century. Today, the Vienna State Opera is considered one of the most important opera houses in the world.
  • 10. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
    The Austrian National Library is the largest library in Austria, with 7.4 million items in its various collections. Founded by the Habsburgs, the library was originally called the Hof-Bibliothek ("Imperial Library").
  • 11. Naturhistorisches Museum
    The Natural History Museum in Vienna is one of the largest, oldest, and most noteworthy natural history museums in the world.Today, Naturhistorisches Museum with about 30 million specimens and artifacts.
  • 12. Kunsthistorisches Museum
    The Museum of Art History in its palatial building on Ringstraße, was opened at the same time as the Naturhistorisches Museum, by Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary.
  • 13. Pestsäule
    The Pestsäule (plague column or Holy Trinity Column) is one of the most notable pieces of sculpture in Vienna and located on Graben.
  • 14. Universität Wien
    The University of Vienna is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe.
  • 15. Kaiserjubiläumskirche
    St. Francis of Assisi Church, also known as the Kaiser Jubilee church is a Basilica-style Catholic church located on the Mexikoplatz in second district of Vienna.
  • 16. Karlskirche
    The St. Charles's Church is one of the most prominent baroque style churches in Vienna. It is situated in karlsplatz, and about 5 minutes walk from the Ringstraße.
  • 17. Hoher Markt and the Ankeruhr
    The Hoher Markt is actually the oldest and most historic square in Vienna. Things to see in this square are the Ankeruhr (Anchor Clock), and the Vermählungsbrunnen (Wedding Fountain) in the middle of the square.
  • 18. Secession
    The Secession Building is an exhibition hall built in 1898 by Joseph Maria Olbrich as an architectural manifesto for the Vienna Secession.
  • 19. Votivkirche
    The Votive Church is considered one of the most important neo-Gothic religious buildings in the world. The emergence of the Votivkirche is linked to a failed assassination attempt on the young Emperor Franz Joseph in 1853.
  • 20. Spanische Hofreitschule
    The Spanish Riding School is a traditional riding school for Lipizzan horses and the only institution in the world where the classic equestrian skills has been preserved and is still practiced in its original form.
  • 21. Michaelerkirche
    St. Michael's Church is one of the oldest churches in Vienna. The church is a late Romanesque, early Gothic building dating from about 1220 to 1240.
  • 22. Burgtheater
    The Burgtheater is the Austrian National Theater in Vienna and one of the most important German language theaters in the world.
  • 23. Albertina
    The Albertina is a museum in the first district of Vienna. It houses one of the most important and extensive graphic art collections in the world.
  • 24. Jesuitenkirche
    The Jesuit Church, also known as the University Church, is a two-floor, double-tower church next  to the old University of Vienna buildings in the first district of Vienna. 
  • 25. Ringstraße
    The Ring Boulevard is a 4-kilometers-long circular road surrounding the Innere Stadt (first) district of Vienna. Most famous tourist attractions of the city are located along this boulevard.
  • 26. MuseumsQuartier
    Opened in 2001, the MuseumsQuartier Wien is one of the world's largest complexes for modern art and culture. It offers a wide variety of programs and events, from performing arts to digital culture.
  • 27. Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (HGM)
    The Museum of Military History is one of the most important history museums in the world and is located in Vienna's Arsenal, a former military complex of buildings in the Landstraße district. 
  • 28. Wiener Prater
    The Wiener Prater is a large public park in Leopoldstadt, second municipal district of Vienna. The Wiener Prater consists of two main parts: The “Wurstelprater amusement park” and the rest is “Green Prater”.
  • 29. Wiener Stadtpark
    Vienna City Park is located on the east side of the Ringstrasse, between the first and third district of Vienna and covers an area of over 6 hectares. Stadtpark is the park with the largest number of monuments and sculptures in Vienna.
  • 30. Kaisergruft
    The Imperial Crypt is a burial chamber beneath the Capuchin Church and monastery in Innere Stadt. Since 1633, it has been the principal place of entombment for members of the House of Habsburg.
  • 31. Minoritenkirche
    The Minoritenkirche or its current formal name, Italian National Church of Mary of the Snow is one of the oldest and most artistically valuable churches in the first district of Vienna.
  • 32. Mozarthaus Vienna
    Mozarthaus presents the life and work of the musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, in a unique setting in Vienna's Old Town.
  • 33. Hundertwasserhaus
    The Hundertwasser House is a residential building in Vienna, built after the idea of Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser. This expressionist landmark of the city is built in the years 1983–1985.
  • 34. Kirche am Steinhof
    Church of St. Leopold is the Roman Catholic oratory designed by Otto Wagner in Art Nouveau style. It situated in the grounds of the Psychiatric Hospital of the City of Vienna.
  • 35. Tiergarten Schönbrunn
    Schönbrunn Zoo located on the grounds of the famous Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna and is the oldest zoo in the world. 
  • 36. Schwarzenbergplatz
    Schwarzenberg Square is a large square in the 3rd district of Vienna. The equestrian statue of Prince Karl Philipp at the north of the square, Red Army monument and the Hochstrahlbrunnen are the main attractions of this square.
  • 37. Zentralfriedhof
    Vienna Central Cemetery is the second largest cemetery by area in Europe and located in the 11th municipal district of Vienna.
  • 38. Sigmund Freud Museum
    The Sigmund Freud Museum presents an exhibition documenting the life and work of the founder of psychoanalysis. Freud lived and worked in this house from 1891 until 1938.
  • 39. Palais Ferstel
    The splendid Palace Ferstel on the Freyung, a triangular historic square in first district of Vienna ( Innere Stadt ), was built between 1856 and 1860 by the well-known Austrian Architect Heinrich von Ferstel.
  • 40. Jubiläumswarte
    The Jubiläumswarte is a 31 meters high observation tower on the western outskirts of Vienna.
  • 41. Wotrubakirche
    The Church of the Most Holy Trinity also known as the Wotruba Church , is a Roman Catholic Church, in Liesing, the 23rd District of Vienna.
  • 42. Wasserturm Favoriten
    Vienna has the unique situation of obtaining almost all of its drinking water demand from mountain springs. The Favoriten water tower is a part of a larger building complex which was built to supply the higher-situated zones with water.
  • 43. TUWien
    Vienna University of Technology was founded in 1815 as the "Imperial-Royal Polytechnic Institute", with the goal of providing competent engineers for military as well as mining and civil engineers.
  • 44. Bergkirche Rodaun
    Rodaun is a baroque catholic church in 23. district of Vienna, Liesing. The church is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. It was destroyed in the second siege of Vienna in 1683, and soon was rebuilt in a simple form.

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