Vienna University of Technology | TUWien

Vienna University of Technology (German: Die Technische Universität (TU) Wien) was founded in 1815 as the "Imperial-Royal Polytechnic Institute", with the goal of providing competent engineers for military as well as mining and civil engineers.On November 6,1815 the Imperial Polytechnic Institute was officially opened. In 1818 the institute moved to its current location on Karlsplatz and next to the St. Charles's Church. In 1872 the polytechnic institute has changed into a College of Technology and in 1902 the first doctorates were awarded. Since 1919, women were allowed to enroll for the first time and finally in 1975 the “College of Technology” was renamed to the current name:”Vienna University of Technology” . 

Photo by Amin.Mana
Among TU Vienna’s most known alumni are : Christian Doppler (Doppler effect), Joseph Loschmidt (Loschmidt constant), architect Otto Wagner, Chemistry Nobel Prize laureate Richard Zsigmondy, Viktor Kaplan (Kaplan turbine), Alexander Meissner (feedback loop for oscillatory circuits), computer pioneer Heinz Zemanek (“Mailüfterl”), Gottfried Ungerböck (Trellis code modulation), as well as composers Josef and Johann Strauß, author Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlando and the founder of the anthroposophical movement, Rudolf Steiner.

Photo by Amin.Mana
Photo by Amin.Mana
Photo by Amin.Mana
Photo by Amin.Mana
Photo by Amin.Mana
Photo by Amin.Mana
Photo by Amin.Mana
Successful alumnae and alumni of these days are Franz Viehböck (Austria’s 1st astronaut), Wolfgang Anzengruber (Chairman of the Managing Board Verbund), Susanna Zapreva (CEO Wienstrom GmbH), Theresia Vogel-Lahner (Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian Government) and Ingeborg Hochmair-Desoyer (Cochlea implant). 

Photo by Amin.Mana
TU Vienna has eight faculties :

Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation
Faculty of Physics
Faculty of Technical Chemistry
Faculty of Informatics

The university Library (UB-TUWien) is only 200 meters far from the main Uni building .

Vivaldi's Tombstone on the Wall of the University
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (4 March 1678 – 28 July 1741), one of the greatest Italian Baroque composers,  was buried next to Karlskirche, in an area which is now a part of the TU.

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