Tourist attractions in Vienna : Jesuitenkirche

The Jesuit Church, also known as the University Church, is a two-floor, double-tower church next  to the old University of Vienna buildings in the first district of Vienna. Influenced by early Baroque principles, the church was remodeled by Andrea Pozzo between 1703 and 1705. 

Tourist attractions in Vienna : Jesuitenkirche
Photo by Million Seven
The Jesuit Church was built between 1623 and 1627 on the site of an earlier chapel, at the time when the Jesuits merged their own college with the University of Vienna's philosophy and theology faculty. The emperor broke ground for both college and church, with the church itself dedicated to Saints Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier.

Tourist attractions in Vienna : Jesuitenkirche
Photo by Alberto Fernandez Fernandez

Tourist attractions in Vienna : Jesuitenkirche
Photo by Daderot
Tourist attractions in Vienna : Jesuitenkirche
Photo by Morgennebel
In 1703, Brother Andrea Pozzo, S.J., an architect, painter, and sculptor, and a master in the quadratura (Illusionistic ceiling painting), was requested by Emperor Leopold I to redecorate the church. He added twin towers and reworked the façade in an early Baroque style with narrow horizontal and vertical sections. The design of the windows, narrow niches (with statues), and the small central part of the façade deviate from the Baroque style of the towers. Pozzo died unexpectedly in 1709, just before he was to move to Venice, and was buried in the church. After the completion of the work, the church was re-dedicated to the Assumption of Mary.

Tourist attractions in Vienna : Jesuitenkirche
Photo by MiGowa
Tourist attractions in Vienna : Jesuitenkirche
Photo by barnyz
Tourist attractions in Vienna : Jesuitenkirche
Photo by Vít ‘tasuki’ Brunner
Tourist attractions in Vienna : Jesuitenkirche
Photo by jellybeanz
In spite of its exterior, which is not particularly impressive, the interior is remarkably splendid with marble pillars, gilding and a number of allegorical ceiling frescoes. The pulpit features the Apostle Matthew in amazingly beautiful detail and the sanctuary is decorated with marble columns. The semicircular vault ceiling was divided in four bays with paintings in perspective, using illusionary techniques. Executed by Andrea Pozzo in 1703, the remarkable trompe l'oeil dome, painted on a flat part of the ceiling, is a real masterpiece. Trompe l'oeil is a style of painting in which objects are depicted with such photographically realistic detail as to deceive the viewer concerning the reality of the object.

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